Helping Pop & EDM Artists standout from the crowd - releasing great music
From Hip-Hop and RnB to Pop and Rock, we have fantastic songwriting experience. Whether it is a beat, a backing track or a complete song, we can deliver. We can provide session musicians and singers as required.
Provide us with the style, tempo and your inspiration and we will write, record and mix a completed, original track for you.

If you already have a completed song then we can produce this in the style of your choice. Our specialisms include: Pop, Rock, EDM, 80s/Synthwave, Hip-Hop, and RnB.
With the latest technology and the most current production styles and techniques, we can produce a finished and commercially ready track.
With a range of facilities available, a collection of the most up-to-date plugins and mastering software, and the combination of mature/experienced and young/pristine ears, we offer a professional mixing and mastering service to create a contemporary sound that is radio ready.
Next Level Recording

Our philosophy of blending the old with the new carries through to the equipment in our studio. Whatever is needed to create the best work, we have it here at Trickey Sound; from our envious collection of vintage synths to the latest VSTs and Plugins, we can cater for all tastes.